Why food can be a support for healthy joints and muscles

Okay: So we are what we eat... we need a basic diet to support our health anyway, but what changes do we need to make to support joint and muscle health?

  1. Ensure we have a good weight. Okay this is simple to understand of course, but not so easy perhaps in practice to manifest! But the bottom line is: wehn we carry too much weight on our body, it can directly impact our joints: hips, knees, ankles and foot bones can all be effected. Loosing weight (to our ideal BMI) is perfect for correcting this. Make sure the weight loss is from fat loss though: loosing any muscle mass can be bad for joints, so gentle weight loss of excess fat is the ideal
  2. Make sure there are enough "good fats/ lipids" in our diet: these provide our connective tissues with nutrients to keep them supple.
  3. Ensure we have enough protein in our diet. This is key to strong muscles, and strong muscles are key to healthy joints!

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